AN AWESOME SEQUEL THAT CAN STAND ALONE!He wrote another one just as good as the other one! I enjoyed this second novella in the Knight Chronicles just as much as the first one. If you ever wondered what an episode of “Criminal Minds” or “The Following” would be like from the killer’s perspective then you came to the right place. This series of masterfully written novellas will grab you and hold you. I said this when I reviewed the first book, but it is worth repeating. "It is riveting and dark, but lightened with just the right touch of humor.” This one starts out with a delightful surprise for the readers of book one. Later all the readers will be surprised more than once. The story is delightfully unpredictable with a shocking and clever end. It will leave you screaming for Mr. Cassian to hurry up with book three! For those who missed number one, “Killing Matt Cooper,” you don’t have to read it first, any order will be fine. The writing is so good and the the killer’s first person narration is so compelling that I know you will end up reading all of them. For that reason I recommend starting with book one now. I am very impressed by this author and I’m sure you will be too!